Badass: Anyone who can give Zetta a run for his money in power and trash-talking has earned this.
#Soul nomad and the world eaters home full#
In the Demon Path, Revya uses Gig's full power to kill Drazil and Haephnes, and neither of them are able to stop him/her. He is more powerful than either, killing both Drazil, Gamma and Joules combined in a Single-Stroke Battle in the normal ending.
Almighty Janitor: Gig is a Master of Death, technically a subordinate to the World Rulers and equal to a Master of Life. Tropes exhibited by Gig /Vigilance include: You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Revya devours Gig in the Demon Path. Villain Protagonist: In the Demon Path. Victorious Childhood Friend: If you chose for Revya to be a male, he ends up married to Danette in her ending. Unwitting Pawn: He/She ends up being Virtuous and Haephnes' unknowing pawn in restoring the cycle of souls. Let's just say it involves Beam Spam and in the Demon Path, it was the Finishing Move Revya used to destroy all of existence. There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Demon Blast. Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: "It doesn't matter. Lampshaded in Disgaea 3 where Mao gives her a voice for use in battle and wonders why anyone would make a game where the main character doesn't talk. When you get other options, it's when you are getting Relationship Values or routes to other endings. Silent Protagonist: Subverted in that s/he is STILL able to communicate with the others through occasional dialogue choices, and for the sake of moving the plot, there tends to be one option of what to say. Sealed Evil in a Can: In the Demon Path Good Ending. Reincarnation: Of Median's son and Layna's older brother. The Quiet One: All of Revya's responses are short and to the point. Purely Aesthetic Gender: The choice of gender only affects the multiple endings in the slightest of ways. However, the more Revya uses, the more likely Gig will devour his/her soul. Power At a Price: Could easily destroy the World Eaters on a caprice should he/she choose to use Gig's powers. However, being with Danette and Gig for so long has some effects. Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Doesn't get any worse than The Devourlord. May–December Romance: With Juno in the Male Revya's ending. Gig remarks after Endorph destroys Raksha with Psycho Burgundy that despite being the closest to the explosion, s/he was unscathed by the blast. Laughing Mad: In the Bad End of the Demon Path. Jack of All Stats: Bordering on Lightning Bruiser Revya is one of the most balanced and easy to use of the characters in the game, he/she has very few poor match ups, and his/her ground Techs are all around useful. Kryptonite Factor: Revya's most notable bad match ups is the Gypsies and the Gideons. Interspecies Romance: Depends on the ending. I Am Who?: Revya is revealed to be a World Eater and reincarnation of Median's child by the real Layna in the world of Drazil. Hidden Elf Village: Grew up in one for ten years. Heroes Prefer Swords: The choice in weaponry was already decided for him/her though. Of course, it's averted if you chose male. She was Lord Median's son in her past life, and reincarnated as a female. Fallen Hero: Doesn't even begin to describe the Demon Path. Evil Counterpart: To Levin in the Demon Path. Although she acts more flustered in the male version and treats her like a BFF threatening to 'tickle' her in the female one. Even the Girls Want Her: In the Danette ending, she displays feelings for Revya regardless if Revya is a guy or girl. It can be used on repeat plays during the whole game, however. Eleventh-Hour Superpower: After eating the soul of Gestahl, Revya gains the Demon Force ground tech during the last battle of the normal campaign. While Gig does inhabit her body, he doesn't have any control due to Revya's strong will and a seal placed by Layna. Deadpan Snarker: Becomes much more noticeable as the story progresses, but does show shades of this even early on. Dark Is Not Evil: Revya's still a good person despite the trope above. Dark Is Edgy: Two of her techs are called Demon Blast and Demon Force, and both are about as dark-looking as their name implies.
Curtains Match the Window: Red hair and red eyes.