Tails of iron igg
Tails of iron igg

tails of iron igg

Gleichzeitig wurde der Einfluss der eingesetzten Beschäftigungsmaterialien auf Schwanz- und Ohrschäden bei Schweinen mit unkupiertem Schwanz untersucht. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Identifikation von attraktivem Beschäftigungsmaterial anhand der Explorationsdauer der Tiere. Im Rahmen des Projekts „Label-Fit“ wurden unterschiedliche organische Beschäftigungsmaterialien für Aufzucht- und Mastschweine untersucht, die in konventionellen Haltungssystemen mit Spaltenböden eingesetzt werden können. Dabei stellt die schnelle Habituation von Schweinen eine Herausforderung bei der Auswahl geeigneter Beschäftigungsmaterialien dar. Neben dem invasiven Eingriff wirkt jedoch auch der Einsatz von Beschäftigungsmaterial reduzierend auf Schwanzschäden, indem das arttypische Explorationsverhalten gesteigert wird. Die Ursachen von Schwanzbeißen sind multifaktoriell, weshalb die bis heute gängigste Methode zur Reduktion von Schwanzschäden bei Schweinen das präventive Kupieren des Schwanzes darstellt. Dabei kann es das Wohlergehen betroffener Schweine beeinträchtigen und ökonomische Verluste für den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb bedeuten. Schwanzbeißen ist eine Verhaltensanomalie, die häufig bei konventionell gehaltenen Hausschweinen auftritt. © 2017 American Society of Animal Science. More research is needed to test whether compromised immune functions predispose pigs to tail biting. Tail damage can cause inflammation and reduce the value of market pigs. Results of this study demonstrated that tail docking reduced tail damage in pigs kept in a confinement system. Compared with victimized pigs and nonvictimized pigs, tail biters had lower total serum protein (P = 0.01) and IgG (P = 0.01) concentrations, indicating that tail biters may experience poor immune functions. For victimized pigs, total serum protein and IgG concentrations were elevated 5 d after tails were injured, suggesting that tail damage can cause inflammation, which may lead to carcass abscesses and trim loss.


Victimized pigs were more frequently (P = 0.04) sold for less than full value and had a lower dressing percentage (P < 0.001) compared with nonvictimized pigs. Victimized pigs tended to gain less weight (P = 0.07) between 17 and 21 wk of age than other pigs when tail biting prevailed in this study. During the growing– finishing period, 48% of pigs with docked tails and 89% of pigs with intact tails experienced lesions on their tails, including 5% of docked pigs and 30% of intact pigs identified as victimized pigs that experi- enced puncture wounds with signs of infection on their tails or loss of tails (P < 0.001). When pigs were marketed, carcass weights and the number of pigs with carcass trim loss were recorded. Blood samples were collected from focal tail biters, victimized pigs, and nonvictimized pigs for analysis of total serum protein, IgG, and substance P concentrations.


Growth performance was monitored, and skin lesions on the tail, ears, and body were assessed. Tail biters and victimized pigs with damaged tails were identified during outbreaks of tail biting. Pigs were housed in 8 pens of 30 pigs in a confinement barn for 16 wk, with 4 pens each housing pigs of both sexes with docked or intact tails. Pigs (n = 240 25.7 ± 2.9 kg average weight), including 120 pigs that were tail docked at birth and 120 pigs that remained with intact tails, were used. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of tail docking on the welfare and performance of victimized pigs by tail biting and tail biters.

Tails of iron igg